Council Estate Christianity
Duncan's Sermons Podcast
Don't be a Jerk for Jesus (Luke 6:22-26)

Don't be a Jerk for Jesus (Luke 6:22-26)

Bring Christ to people at Christmas whilst avoiding Culture Wars

Sometimes we think we're getting a hard time for acting like the prophet Elijah, when really we're just being jerks. How can we know if we follow in the long line of prophets or long line of jerks? I think its by looking at the sermon on mount, and seeing if we’re living it out. In this talk I look at Jesus' verses about persecution and money, and I consider how we can bring Christ to people this Christmas whilst avoiding culture wars.

Listen to the podcast above, or watch on YouTube below:

Council Estate Christianity
Duncan's Sermons Podcast
Weekly sermons from Duncan Forbes at New Life Roehampton, a small church on a large council estate in London.