Council Estate Christianity
Duncan's Sermons Podcast
2 Communities pt4: A Multiethnic Community

2 Communities pt4: A Multiethnic Community

Answering Christian Nationalism, Racism, Xenophobia & Kinism.

Recently some voices in USA have been saying that marriage between different races can be a sin. Some of this thinking makes its way over to the UK, and even though it often gets watered down whilst it’s here, it still results in promoting fear of foreigners and other cultures. Part of my job as a pastor is to warn people of false teaching and to show what the Bible says about them. So this week I show how the believing community in the Bible was always a mixture of different ethnicities, there was never a so-called pure blood line of God’s people, and the Bible encourages us to love foreigners. We also look at how Moses’ great nephew Phinehas was a Nubian, and God made a special covenant with him and his descendants; and why Abraham didn't want his son to marry a Canaanite. You can listen to the audio above, or watch the YouTube video below.


Council Estate Christianity
Duncan's Sermons Podcast
Weekly sermons from Duncan Forbes at New Life Roehampton, a small church on a large council estate in London.